The Eagles’ Rest is a Christian Retreat House and was established by Charles and Carol Edwards in 1983. Charles’ father was a pastor and his vision was to create a place to give church groups, leaders and pastors a place of rest and a place where they could recharge their batteries. He started putting money aside for this vision and invested it into real estate in the hopes to make enough money to purchase a retreat house. He never lived to see his dream come true, but his wise business investment allowed his son Chuck to carry out his vision. Chuck was a minister himself and saw the importance of such a place. In 1983 he and his wife Carol bought this house and called it the Eagles Rest. For over 30 years pastors and church groups have been able to come and get some rest away from the hustle and bustle in our beautiful Sierra Foothills.
We would like to honor and thank the ones that have sacrificed and labored so much that today we may enjoy and rest in the Lord’s presence. Chuck Edwards has passed on to be with the Lord, but we thank Carol and her family for continuing this vision.
Statement of Faith
We believe that the Bible (All Scripture as found in the Old and New Testament) is the Word of God, given by inspiration of God, and that it is the supreme, only and final authority from God for our faith, life and conduct. It is our guide for all questions regarding faith and practice.
The Trinity
We believe in one God, eternally existing in three Persons: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
God the Father
We believe in God the Father, perfect in holiness, wisdom, power, and love. As Father, He concerns Himself with the needs of fallen mankind. He exercises perfectly both justice and mercy. He is faithful and works all things to His glory.
Jesus Christ
We believe in the absolute Deity of Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who existed from all eternity and who came into the world that He might reveal God to man as both Redeemer and Lord. To this end, He was born of a virgin and became a perfect Man; yet retained His absolute Deity, being at the same time true God and true Man.
Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the blessed Trinity. He is the Comforter, the source of all true power, equipping the believer to be a witness of the gospel of the kingdom. He is present with the believer to guide and to empower into all acceptable worship and service.
We believe that man was originally created in the image and after the likeness of God, and that he fell through sin and as a consequence lost his spiritual life and became dead in the trespasses and sin. Man stands in need of personal salvation (To be forgiven and reconciled to God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ)
We believe that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. However, salvation has been accomplished for those who believe solely through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, who was made sin for us, dying in our stead. Nothing we can do can add to the finished work on the cross. We believe that by simple faith in Him our sins are forgiven, imparting a new life from above, being born again into God’s family, becoming Sons of God.
The Church
We believe that all who are in Christ have become part of His body over which He is the Head. It is our desire to always endeavor to keep the unity of the Body, representing the kingdom of God to the world around us. The church’s purpose is to worship, to disciple, and to evangelize.
Christian Conduct
We believe that all true Christians should be careful to serve as salt and light to the world around them. They should maintain a good witness and endeavor to serve with good works that are birthed in the Spirit. The supreme task of the believer is to glorify God and to love his neighbor as himself.
Last Things
We believe in the personal return of Jesus Christ and the final judgment.